The Margin is a non-profit publication and an independent project at Counterstream that centers the people and places most affected by environmental injustice in the United States.

The Summer Issue is here.

A River of Deception” is an investigation by Rico Moore that follows up on "Opening The Gateway" revealing how Seattle City Light obfuscated and mischaracterized the historical record to their benefit.

The impacts of their actions perpetuate well over a century’s worth of harm against Tribes, specifically the Upper Skagit Indian Tribe, and against anadromous fish and the ecosystems that depend on them.

Eroding Indigenous Sovereignty” by Ottavia Spaggiari explores the ways climate change complicates the fight for Tribal Nations to prove who they are. Historical records are considered essential evidence to obtain federal acknowledgment—a status that many believe is essential for Tribal Nations’ long-term survival, particularly as climate change threatens both Indigenous people and their preservation efforts.

Without the resources that come with the federal acknowledgment, many Tribes are trapped in a catch-22: the federal funding that would help maintain their archives hinges on a preservation effort many unrecognized Tribes need federal resources to carry through.

These breaking stories are available now in this special Summer Issue of The Margin - an independent project at Counterstream Media.

This issue is co-published with The Nation Magazine.

The Margin’s stories expose the ongoing cycle of unjust actions that intentionally push the poor and people of color to the edge of society while driving our planet to the brink of collapse.

Founded by Bryce Cracknell, a writer, filmmaker, and activist, The Margin has been recognized by The Nation magazine and earned two Anthem Awards in Sustainability, Environment & Climate.