Frankie Orona

Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Society of Native Nations, Environmental liaison for his Tribal Chief Red Blood - Anthony Morales of the Gabrielino Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians

Frankie advocates for Native American Indian rights, environmental justice, and social justice issues—helping to protect and preserve Native American Indian spirituality, culture, and way of life.

Frankie's passion for advocacy and stewardship of the environment is how he believes we can make a real difference - his way of giving back to Mother Nature for being so generous. Helping those who have forgotten that we as human beings are not separate from the environment, that we are one in the same, and that we must have both healthy if we want to ensure that all future generations have a healthy, sustainable future to not only survive in but to thrive in.

Frankie believes in building relationships over community networking and has been doing so for 25 years. He loves to travel and is always looking for ways to expand his knowledge base to help protect and ensure the well-being of Mother Nature. He also believes that education and advocacy are two essential tools in creating a positive change for this planet we call Mother Earth.

Frankie is constantly trying to help other organizations in their efforts to bring awareness and understanding of the inherent rights of Native American Indian People and their culture, spirituality, and history. He believes that by continuing to spread knowledge of Native American Indian ways of life, we can all work together to create a healthier planet. Through his efforts with the Society of Native Nations, he has helped bring awareness to many issues, such as Environmental Justice, Indigenous Rights, and Social Justice.

Frankie firmly believes in the power of collaboration between different cultures and groups to create positive change for Mother Earth. By working together and bridging cultural gaps through understanding, knowledge, and respect, he believes that we can move forward into a future with environmental sustainability for all living things. He also believes that by educating people of all ages about Native American Indian culture, history, and spirituality, we can create a world where everyone is respected and accepted. Coming together, we can help bring about positive change in our communities, our nation, and the world.